Nohoval Apple Wine

Branding Package

Logo, wine label and website .

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Nohoval Apple Wine

With the ongoing success of their  Cider brand, the good folks at Stonewell Cider branched out into a new and exciting enterprise,

They commissioned me with the responsibility for a full suite of Branding Design for their fledgling startup 'Nohoval Apple Wine' Brand.  This included a modernized website, A new and personalized Label Design incorporating a fully original and statement piece Logo.

The Logo

What is a brand without a logo to help convey to the consumer what this company is all about,  And for Nohoval Apple Wine it was clear that local sourcing and their proven upholding of quality and success where chiefly among them, Though this wine's branding acknowledged humble beginnings in their messaging they also wanted to reach a market they hadn't previously entered, This boutique product was aimed for the middle to upper class with a high level of disposable income, and the logo needed to reflect this.

I incorporated their (now famous) Orchard's area by including a bridge that lies upon their land, and has done for some time, I decided on a negative space approach , utilizing the enthusiastic warmth of orange to offset the business and punchy black to depict said bridge, It draws the eye and intrigues the storyteller in the viewer's minds eye. Underlined by a simple yet clarifying White ' NOHOVAL' wording, Giving their natural surrounds even more space within the designflow

The Label

When entering a more upper class and busy industry such as the wine market, you need to have the labels to describe that you belong there to the potential customer, In order to do this, I beset the rectangular opaque Labels with a confident golden trim, which lined a prestige black base, upon which we placed the logo and varieties name proudly.

So that for the discerning customer the decision to reach for Nohoval Apple Wine was made easy.

The Website

As a new company entering a new market, it is Vital your Webspace is up to code.

With my 10 years of experience and keeping up with trends I settled on keeping the Enthusiastic Orange, Backed by a bold and Prestigious Black for the colour, I payed special care to the flow of the website making it's navigation natural and professional. Being sure to draw the eye in to each and every section in a professional and flowing way.


There is always something special about watching a new venture mature and take flight, I stand proudly over my time and results working with the folks at Nohoval Apple Wine, With a product as strong as theirs it's always a privilege to deliver on messaging in a way that the public can see, support and understand.

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